When results are deferred, there are many common sayings, "Keep the faith," "Stay the course," or as Journey sang, "Don't stop believing, hold on to that feeling."  All of them contain wise advice.  Bottom line: The promises of God usually require the processes of people.  Romans 5:3-5 says, ".. we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us." Suffering is the word "thlîpsis" - or a 'pressing together.' 

A whole lot has to come together over time to get BIG, GOD results.  It may take time, but with GOD PROMISES you will get there. I'd rather be going the right way slow with God than the wrong way fast without Him.  It is a Journey, so "don't stop believing!"

Whoever first said, "Stay focused" - was referring to this verse.  It is right out of the science of Positive Psychology.  Focusing on the true, noble, just, pure, lovely, good, virtuous, and praiseworthy rather than how to get through or past negative thoughts and circumstances.  Tape this one to the mirror!

With God, all things are possible,

Dr. Ben Lerner

Ben Lerner